From the Colorado Springs Gazette article that Charlie posted earlier:
>"Mike Knuble should be a big part of our offense, but he's a question mark
>this week
>(arrhythmia," Berenson said.
This is the first I'd heard that Knuble had this problem.  I'm guessing that
was why he left the York game last Friday.
Does anybody have more news on this?  Is Knuble's arrythmia considered life-
or career-threatening, or is it considered a minor problem?  Or is his
prognosis still unknown?  I hear that word "arrythmia" and I can't help but
think about Hank Gathers and Reggie Lewis...
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              strictly those of:
Bill Fenwick                        |  Send your HOCKEY-L poll responses to:
Cornell '86 and '94.5               |  [log in to unmask]
LET'S GO RED!!                                                  DJF  5/27/94
"Cozza, there's a train leaving at 4:00.  Be under it."
-- from a letter that Yale football coach Carm Cozza is supposed to have
   gotten when he lost his coaching debut in 1965