Jeffrey weinfurt said ..
>Hi I was wondering if anyone could send me a copy of the u-maine hockey
>schedule for the 94-95 season. also are they on probation for the violations
>last year or not? my address is [log in to unmask] thanks a ton.
All Division I schedules are available in the HOCKEY-L archives.  To
obtain the Maine schedule, send mail to [log in to unmask] and in
the body enter
To get a list of everything in the archives, send mail to the same place
and use the command
On the probation question ...
Maine has had a number of eligibility problems over the past few years.
Most were minor and affected the eligibility of some players and
forfeitures of a number of games, especially last year.  All of the
problems are detailed in the HOCKEY-L archives (at least the
hockey-related ones).  There is a current NCAA investigation of Maine
athletics.  A report on that investigation is expected later this
winter, perhaps in February.  You'll no doubt here about whatever
happens via HOCKEY-L.
Wayne Smith
The College Hockey Discussion List administrator
Systems Group - CAPS              BITNET/CREN:  wts@maine
University of Maine System        internet:     [log in to unmask]
P.S.  Thanks to the UAF radio crew for allowing a simulcast of this
      weekend's games with Maine.  I'm listening now ...  nice job by
      the announcers ...  of course it helps that Maine is leading
      midway through the 2nd period.  :-)
      (Thanks, too, to Joe & Dale of 620AM WZON, the Sports Zone, in
      Bangor, ME).