Here he is again, replying to his own posts....
Charlie writes...
> Brian Sprague wrote...
> > Do you know how I could get my hands on a tape of this documentary?
> I do; unfortunately the information is at home.  I spent some time
> trying to track down a copy of this series.  It's available through a
> bookseller in British Columbia - I have their catalog at home and
> will provides the details tomorrow.
And here are the details...
Mike Harling (I think that's right)
Sportsbook Plus                        US ADDRESS:
2100 West 4th Avenue                P.O. Box 2890
Vancouver, BC                            Blaine, WA   98231-2890
My catalog is called "Fall 1993" so the prices may have changed...
Shipping charges: $4 for first book and 1.25 for each additional book
- I would guess that a tape counts as a book, but call, and I'm sure
they'll help you out.
They accept Credit Cards, money orders and checks - if you call
they'll give you the current conversion rate, and if you order with a
credit card you'll only be charged the exact shipping costs.
1) The Game by Ken Dryden 10th Anniversary Edition, Softcover, $10.95
2) Home Game: Hockey and Life in Canada by Ken Dryden and Roy
MacGregor, 1989, softcover, $16.95
And finally,
Ken Dryden's Home Game, the videos
     1990 $14.99 each, 60 minutes apprx each
     Volume 1: Mere Players
     Volume 2: Playing Fields of Scarborough
     Volume 3: The Big Money Game
     Volume 4: No Final Victories
     Volume 5: The Common Passion
     Volume 6: The Magic of Play
Hope this helps.  As I mentioned yesterday, I have never seen these,
but the book is excellent and I've heard these are as well.  I hope
to see them soon!
> I've purchased a few books from this outfit and I feel they are quite
> reliable.  As I recall the tapes are $15/tape, and there are six in
> the series.  I could be off by a bit, and I also don't recall whether
> that is Canadian $ or US $.  Details tomorrow.
> I've been planning on purchasing the tapes for a few months now, and
> I think I will get them for a self-Christmas present.
> BTW, Dryden's book "Home Game" is excellent.  Easily the best book
> I've read on hockey, and as I think Mike pointed out, a wonderful
> collection of insights into the sociological structure of hockey
> culture, particularly in Canada.
> Until tomorrow, Charlie