When I was at Clarkson [many more years ago than I'm going to admit
here],  during the second intermission or the start of the third period
the alma maters of both schools were played.   I can't recall if both teams
were standing on the blue lines or simply in the bench areas,  but I always
thought that was a classy thing to do  --  and kind of further distinguished
hockey from round ball in much the same way as the post-game handshake.
        Recent posts about the Bud song suggest that Wisconsin may do that
same thing these days.   What I'm interested in knowing,  is this still
done at many schools,  and if so,  which ones?
        I would be pleased to receive private E-mail on this subject and would
be happy to post a summary of the resulting responses.   While it may seem
like an almost trivial subject,  it is an aspect of both sportsmanship and
marketing the game (a subject that I find very pertinent stemming from my
interest in UConn hockey).
        -- Dick Tuthill