My experience has been that at Lowell, BU, Maine (BC as you mentioned), and
I believe Providence and UNH, students from other schools do not count as
Providence has usually given us free stuff as we walk in (Gatorade athletic
bottles or inflatable pointed fingers <great for "seive"'ing the Providence
goalie>), but only Northeastern and Merrimack has ever allowed us in at
"student" prices when we were from other schools.
I would speculate that attendance makes a difference since selling a seat at
$3 instead of leaving it empty is good business, but selling one at $3 when
you can easily get $7 is bad business.  I know what I feel it should be, but
the bottom line is that, when a sport is div I or pro, it's a business.
Just my 2 cents,
Tony  BU'92'93
Former Ogre