This is for all of the Main Black Bear fans out there (I know there's a lot
of you).  Your teams have enjoyed a lot of success in the last few years, and
I congratulate you for that.  However, I am a bit disturbed by your
"plagiarism" (my word) of the Bud Song that has been a mainstay at Wisconsin
games and has been our rallying cry since the early to mid seventies.  I'll
admit, I was suckered at the Final Four in Milwaukee two years ago.  When the
Black Bear Band would strike up the tune, I joined in with the other 17,000
Wisconsin faithful and screamed "When you say Wisconsin, you've said it
all!" at the top of my lungs.  But, please. . . .come up with a different
song to rally your fans.  That one is taken. . . .and it's a little sacred.
Chuck Sackett                              Wisconsin Badger Hockey!
[log in to unmask]                NCAA Champs: 1973, 1977, 1981, 1983, 1990!!!
Bloomington, MN                   When you say Wisconsin, you've said it all!