Re: John Wilson's request for info. on adult hockey beginner leagues.
John or anyone else that's interested,
There's an organization called Hockey North America that sponsors adult
beginnger leagues.  Their newspaper ad reads:
Beginner Hockey for Adults!
Learn with other adult beginners in HNA Beginner Hockey School, which has
taught over 10,000 adults how to play hockey.  After graduation, you and your
new teammates play in city-wide Beginner Level competition and playoffs.
    Once you have some experience, the League offers Intermediate and
Advanced Levels with Local, Regional, and National Playoffs.  The League
skates in over 40 cities in North America and Europe, with full-slapshot, no-
check hockey for players 21 and over.
For Printed Information Call:
I hope this helps.
Chuck Sackett                     Wisconsin Badger Hockey
[log in to unmask]        NCAA Champs:  1973, 1977, 1981, 1983, 1990!!!
Bloomington, MN           When you say Wisconsin, you've said it all!