Carol said:
>He and his father are building a plane.  Juneau said, "It's going to be
>ready next summer.  A two-passenger.  It's not that complicated.  You buy
>a blueprint and cut the metal yourself and maybe have somebody do the
>welding for you.  But most of it isn't that hard.  My next step after
>that is going to be to design my own plane and build it."  As you can
>see, he isn't letting his RPI degrees go to waste.
This is really impressive.  I'm glad Joey is smart enough to know that an NHL
career most likely won't even last 10 years.  Sure, he's set for life with this
multi-year, multi-million dollar contract, but what about the 30-odd years after
the NHL?  If all he ever wanted to do was play hockey he would have been a
management major like 95% of the other hockey players at RPI, or he would have
gone to juniors for his seasoning.  Instead, he chose what a lot of people feel
is the toughest major at RPI:  aeronautical engineering (not that electrical was
a piece of cake! :-) ), and got a masters to boot!  It's good to see he still
enjoys the field and is trying to keep his skills up.
Dave / RPI '91