Jayson posted a message last week that RPI recruit Tom Buckley has
decided to play junior hockey instead of playing at RPI. This made me
think about whether this was the first time that an RPI recruit had
changed his mind at the last minute.
Quickly, I decided that before I found out about Hockey-L I had little
information about recruits and there were a csome years that I did see
and there were players that I never heard about again.  One case comes
to mind.  In 1987, the most talked-about recruit was not Joe' Juneau
but someone named Tarrant (can't recall his first name).  I think that
he did start at RPI but never played a game.  Does anyone recall what
happened to him?
Another thought.  What is the most likely thing that will happen to
Buckley's scholarship (assuming that he had one)?  Will it be offered
to someone out there who is not currently planning to play for RPI
(seems quite late for that), will it be given to a walkon currently on
the team (Jeff Mathews comes to mind), or will it remain vacant for a
Ralph Baer   RPI '68, '70, '74