a former ogre writes...
> From: [log in to unmask] (Tony Biscardi)
> Subject: Re: NCAA infractions
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Date: Thu, 8 Sep 1994 23:53:43 -0400 (EDT)
> Is it legal for you to also post which schools these are.
> I would really appreciate knowing the full story and not just half.
> (If you can without getting into trouble.)
> Thanks,
> Tony
the paper does not list the school, though i can generally guess.  I
know from several sources (a friend of a friend was a host) which
school is the host home violation school.  The kids trying out for
junior a and playing exhibitions seems so frequent, that i'm not
certain.  I could probably call some friends at USA hockey and find
charlie shub
[log in to unmask]  -or-  cdash@colospgs (BITNET)
(719) 593 3492               (fax) 593-3369