Wayne said, in part...
> Jeffrey said, in part ...
> >How could the NCAA possibly require that a student-athlete carry at least
> >24 credits per year towards their *major*?  That would require a minimum
> >of 96 credits in one's major by the time one graduates, if one graudates
> >on time.  Isn't it much more likely that the NCAA rule requires 24 credits
> >per year that count towards the *degree*?
>    Both are correct in terms of *degree*.  During the first two years,
>    the rule doesn't apply, so we're talking about the second two years.
>    During those latter years, the only courses counted by the NCAA are
>    those that count toward the program of study.  For example, let's say
>    I declare Computer Science as my major.  This program of study has a
>    requirement for a college of business course.  A business course
>    (that meets the CS major requirements) counts as a course in the
>    "program of study".
Okay, but how about this scenario...
I'm a mathematics major (junior) and I enrol in these 5 courses...
Abstract Algebra (math)
Partial Differential Equations (math)
Social Anthropology (anthro)
Computer Graphics (comp sci)
Accounting (business)
That's 15 credits of reasonable courses, but only 9 of those credits,
the two math course and the anthro (fulfilling a distribution
requirement for the BA degree) count towards my "program of study."
Does that make me ineligible?
If the answer to the last question is "yes", this is one of the
silliest rules I've ever heard of...NCAA or otherwise!
Please note that even with all the BA requirements and the major
requirements, we don't demand 120 credits (required for graduation)
of prescribed courses for our students.  And then again, some
departments/colleges might - how could this rule be enforced or even