>>... and Ethical Behavior (on the ice) will be emphasized.  ...
>   I wish I knew this one when I had a chat last weekend with a HE
>   referee friend!  I'm new to this game.  Can anyone explain this rule,
>   please?  Does this mean certain penalties ("good penalties") will be
>   assessed an additional/separate "EB" penalty?
It sounds to me like a backwards way to say they want to crack down on
unsportsmanlike conduct. I guess saying that you want to emphasize
unsportsmanlike conduct doesn't quite sound right.
See you later,
John C.K. Edwards        Vancouver Canucks: Western Conference Champs  _______
Law IV, CUSA Arts/SS Rep                   I am smiling!!             /       \
[log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]             | \______
       My opinions aren't those of CUSA or Carleton U... yet.         \_______/