D. Hendrickson writes:
What is really scary about this entire situation is that O'Conner had the
scholarship offer *in writing* from Cedorchuk and yet he still found
out in the cold.  What more can a high school senior do than get the offer
writing from the head coach?
  Maybe get the offer in writing from the AD or the school's president?
I fully expect that BC will eventually have to financially pay for these
offenses either in the form of lawsuits or out-of-court settlements.
also reiterate my earlier comments that the NC$$ *must* address a
like this.  If a program is offerring scholarships *in writing* that they
cannot possibly deliver on, then they should face the toughest possible
penalties.  If I were dictator and this was the evidence in front of me,
sentence them to two years of no post season play and no scholarships to
incoming freshmen, all current players are allowed to transfer without the
one year waiting period (since they are no to be made victims), and
(roughly the cost of a 4 year stay at BC) to all recruits who were screwed
this fashion.
I agree with Dave's perspective.  I can never understand why the NCAA put
Lowell on probation and banned Billy Riley from coaching for such piddly
offenses when they let stuff like this go on....
Steve Weisfeldt                                   Go River Hawks!!!!!!!!
Univ. of Lowell (now UMASS-Lowell)  1986, 1988
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