Here are a couple of items about BU from todays Boston Globe:
"Boston University goalie J.P. McKersie, who was struck by an automobile
 three weeks ago and suffered head and leg injuries, is expected to be
 released from Beth Israel Hospital within the next few days and will rehab
 at a hospital in his hometown of Madison, Wisc."
"Boston University will be the second-most visible college hockey team in
 the country during the 1994-95 season because of a package with Channel 68
 that could include up to 19 or 20 games.  BU also is scheduled to be on
 NESN six times.  'Right now we've arranged to do nine home games and six
 away games,' said Will Meyl, station manager of Channel 68, which is owned
 by BU.  'And we're working on doing the Great Western Freeze Out from Los
 Angeles and the Gopher Classic from Minneapolis.'  The University of
 Minnesota has all of its 34 games televised by SportsChannel."
Boston Univ.