I'm not surprised that Tom O'Conner decided not to go to BC.   It has
long been rumored around Enfield Twin Rinks that he was very upset -- to the
point that his late season play tailed off and the NHL scouts became less
impressed.   UMass would seem a good match.   The article did not say if
he was offerred a ride there,  but if he signed a letter of intent it would
seem to indicate that he was.
     This brings up a point about the ethics of situations like this.   It
would seem to the casual observer that BC is obligated to fulfill their
scholarship obligations despite the fact that there may not be places on
the team for that many scholarship athletes.   Is there an NCAA rule which
would prohibit them from telling those on scholarship that they are competing
for fewer places on the team than the number of those holding scholarships?
Those that don't make it have to redshirt that year (or give up the ride)?
I think I know the answer to this,  but it is an interesting question in the
abstract.   Under such a setup,  a S/A could attend four years for free
if he/she had no aspirations beyond college hockey.   Probably the potential
for abuse by the institution is too great.
     On another subject,  I'm absolutely amazed by the number of lower level
or club hockey teams on American campuses.   That indicates a *real*
grassroots level of play that I thought only existed in soccer.   Somehow,
some way,  this level of interest must be exploited.
     -- Dick Tuthill