   I went to visit JP Saturday, and I am extremely happy to say that he is
looking a *LOT* better.  Don't get me wrong, he is still very, very far from
good, but they were able to put him into a large, comfortable chair and
wheel him around.
   They took him out of intensive care Thursday and took him off of I.V. on
Friday.  He also spoke his first words Friday.
   Although very weak, quiet, and easily tiring, he was able to talk a little
in between naps and was very aware of what was around him.  He was able to
respond to questions and acknowledge things being said to him.
   His mother was extremely touched by the 20 pages of get-well messages from
Hockey-L.  They were very appreciated.
   Although he clearly has a long way to go, JP was soooo much better than he
had been the week before.
   When we (a friend and I) left, after we said goodbye, he gave us the peace
sign and left us feeling a LOT better ourselves than we had felt the week
   I can't tell you how much better it was to see him driving the nurses crazy
instead of just lying there.