Mike Machnik writes:
>Bob also addressed the desire by many to see the league try to settle
>ties by changing OT back to 10 minutes.  He said that it was decided
>not to go that route because it would add too much time onto the game.
>Resurfacing would be necessary, which would mean a 15 min intermission
NO!! Resurfacing would _NOT_ be necessary before a 10 minute overtime. It
can be done. In fact, that is how ties are settled in Canadian amateur
hockey (when a winner is needed). A 10 minute OT is played right away
(without resurfacing), and then if the game is still tied they resurface
and start playing 20 minute periods again.
So, you're only looking at an extra 10 minutes to play a 10-minute OT, as
opposed to a 5-minute OT.
See you later,
John C.K. Edwards        Vancouver Canucks: Western Conference Champs  _______
Law IV, CUSA Arts/SS Rep                   I am smiling!!             /       \
[log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]             | \______
       My opinions aren't those of CUSA or Carleton U... yet.         \_______/