David Parter writes:
>> move the championship game to afternoon for live ESPN broadcast not in
>> conflict with BB semis.
>Interesting... I wonder if/when this will happen....
I wonder if it can even be done before the contract runs out in 1997 -
I know I mentioned this before, but according to Shawn Walsh, ESPN
*wants* the game to be shown directly opposite the hoop semis so they
can attract the non-hoop sports fan.  The 1990 game was on a Sunday
afternoon but only live on independent tv stations - ESPN had it on a
one-week delay.  The next year it returned to ESPN live, but on
Saturday night.  Until a couple of months ago I had not heard about
ESPN requiring the game to be played when it is, but it makes sense.
I believe that by 1998, the game will be big enough that college hockey
won't have to agree to play the game opposite hoop just to get a nat'l
tv deal.  But as for before that, I have to wonder if anything can be
done.  I suppose they could ask ESPN, but it sounds like right now,
ESPN holds the cards in terms of deciding the time.
---                                                                   ---
Mike Machnik                                            [log in to unmask]
Cabletron Systems, Inc.                                    *HMM* 11/13/93
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