from the 6/29/94 ncaa register (without permission)
How reported:
        Self reported
          13            Recruiting
             2          Offers and Inducements
               4        Employment of Prospects
                 1      Subsequent to senior year.
                          The arrangement of employment by an
                          institution for a prospect shall be
                          permitted, provided the employment does not
                          begin prior to the completion of the
                          prospect's senior year in high school
        A sophmore prospect was employed by the institution's
        athletics department.  The young man was hired by the head
        custodian at the request of the young man's father (without
        the knowledge of the coaching staff).  The young man is a
        strong player and is a member of a club team.
Institutional Action:
        Upon discovery of the violation, the university terminated the
        prospect's employment, and advised custodian and all staff
        members of the legislation.
NCAA Action:
        Young man is ineligible unless restored through NCAA appeals
Editorial comment:
        The rule citation does not appear in the NCAA register.  I
        look it up in the manual after copying the item.  I had
        originally interpreted this infraction as involving a COLLEGE
        sophmore playing on the College's club team and not a high
        school sophmore playing on a city/county/whatever club team.
charlie shub
[log in to unmask]  -or-  cdash@colospgs (BITNET)
(719) 593 3492               (fax) 593-3369