Some of this duplicates what Sid & Rich said, but I wrote it before
getting their mail and then my first attempt to send this failed due
to mailer problems.  So forgive the repeat stuff; a lot of this is
different, however.
I heard the last half of the press conference.  Thanks, Rich, for
letting us know that it would be on.  Here are some other things I
picked up:
* WEEI's Dale Arnold pointed out after the press conference that Mike
Milbury's opening statement (which I missed) wished good luck to Boston
College and Fr Monan (president), but that AD Chet Gladchuk's name was
noticeably absent.
* As Rich wrote, Milbury said he left because of philosophical
differences (presumably with Gladchuk) over how the BC program should
be run.  He gave no indication as to what those might have been.  The
one that immediately came to my mind was recruiting of Canadian
players.  But I had always been under the impression that Gladchuk and
Milbury both wanted to extend BC's recruiting into Canada, so that
doesn't make sense.  I can only speculate on what some of the others
might have been.
* Milbury used rather harsh words, it seemed to me, in describing the
situation - but then again, he has always been a guy to tell it like
it is.  He said that his accepting the job turned out to be "a mistake"
(his words), both for him and BC, and that it was better to walk away now
than in October.  He said that there were some things he believed he
had verbal agreements on when he accepted the job, but that turned out
not to be true.
* Milbury also said that BC was the only college coaching job he would
have ever considered.  He will not, apparently, entertain offers from
other college teams.  He indicated that he wanted to return to
coaching and when asked if he would consider any of the NHL jobs
currently open, he said that he isn't financially wealthy and is going
to have to work.  Combine that with his statement about coaching and
it sure looks like behind an NHL team's bench is his next stop.  He
did not seem interested in returning to his former job as Bruins asst GM.
Whether anything about the specific differences that Milbury and
Gladchuk apparently had will come out as time passes, I don't know,
but I am sure we will hear many rumors.
I know I was looking forward to seeing him behind the BC bench.  I
thought it would have been very interesting and I was curious to see
how he would fare with a college team.
So, now we ask, who will coach BC next season.  I suspect that the
Lowell fans are starting to sweat again about the possibility of Bruce
Crowder taking the job; I don't know what the chances are of that
happening.  Dale said that Crowder was the guy he (Dale) would hire if
he ran the show.  He also said that he expected Shawn Walsh's name to
be mentioned as a possible candidate.  I do not know who BC may be
At any rate, it certainly seems as if things with BC hockey are in
unbelievable turmoil.  How much blame does Gladchuk deserve for this?
Did he mislead Milbury, or were there just misunderstandings between
the two?  And how deep did the philosophical differences run, such that
apparently whatever Milbury wanted was something Gladchuk could not
give him?  I'm sure these questions will be asked for a long time, but
right now, the ones hurt most by this are the current and entering BC
players...they will have gone through three coaches in a matter of
months (much like Dartmouth a few years ago).  Also, I heard one of the
callers to Dale's show say that his friend had signed a letter of
intent to play at BC this season, but that he had just talked to him
and was seriously considering transferring already - and the school
mentioned was BU.  (having signed already, he would have to sit a
year, I believe.)
So here we are three months before the teams would begin dry-land, and
2 of the 9 HE teams don't seem to have any idea who their head coaches
will be...
---                                                                    ---
Mike Machnik                                             [log in to unmask]
Cabletron Systems, Inc.                                     *HMM* 11/13/93
>>>>>> Dean Borrelli (C, Tacoma, AAA) .348, 31-for-89, 3 HR, 15 RBI <<<<<<