Steve G writes:
> Here's another question:  I don't follow the NHL, and I noticed that
> MacTavish doesn't wear a helmet.  I seem to remember a few years ago
> some story that the only NHL'ers allowed to go hatless were those that
> came in prior to the mandatory helmet rule, and that "club" was down to
> only a handfull of players.  Is the rule still in effect?  are there
> any other hatless NHL'ers?
The NHL scraped the rule this spring, I believe, saying that as long as a
player signed some waiver, he could play without a helmet.
MacTavish is the last helmetless player under the old rules and also in
Greg Sorenson writes:
> U. Lowell won three div. II titles (1979, 1981, 1982). MacTavish was the
> tournament's leading scorer and MVP in 1979.
But MacTavish had left Lowell after '79 so the '81 and '82 titles were without