Bri posted:
> Albany TV station WTEN has reported that RPI
> coach Buddy Powers will take (or has already
> accepted?) the job as the head coach
> at Boston College.
Is this true???
Did BC really just hire a BU grad???  And a Catholic Memorial grad to boot???
Holy Sh*t!
But I LIKE Buddy Powers as a coach... NOW what am I going to do???  I hate BC
but like their coach's style and ability.
I had just been noticing that Powers' name was coming up more often that Mario
Cuomo's, but this is really a shock.
**warning* *speculation coming*  *The following statement has no basis in rumor
or fact*  *it is purely speculation**
I guess this means that RPI will probably stay in the ECAC.  Oh Well.
Tony  BU'92'93
Former Ogre