I was listening to Phil Esposito's weekly call-in show (5-6pm Tuesdays during
hockey season on the local sports radio talk outlet) on the way home from work.
I only have a 5-10 minute commute, so I didn't hear much.  However, one of the
callers asked about the Farraro brothers.
Phil said the deal was definitely with the Atlanta club, not with the
Lightning. (I think everyone on this Discussion Group already knew that - I
don't know why one of the local callers didn't.) He has no interest in
acquiring them for the big club (at least not at this time) - paraphrasing only
slightly - "We have enough 5'6" forwards right now." He also said that he has
no idea where the $1 million came from - his understanding is that they signed
for $65K and $50K.  (I forget which one got which check ... I guess their
banker will be able to tell them apart!)
******   Caution: A Little Non-Collegiate-Related Material Below This Line **
Also, a favor, if we have anyone on net from St. Louis or Peoria.  Does anyone
know if Martin Hamrlik will be back in the Blues organization next season?  He
was playing in Peoria until he banged up his knee a little.
Andy Kuligowski       [log in to unmask]
P.S.  River Hawks vs Ospreys at UMass-Lowell.  If anyone's interested, the
University of North Florida (Jacksonville) has the Ospreys as mascot.  While it
seems to fit out in Jax, I think that River Hawks flows better for UMass.