Andrew said..
> Sorry to bother everone out there, But could anyone send or post an adress for
>a Ranger fan club, or listing?
   Please restrict your HOCKEY-L articles to COLLEGE HOCKEY only.
   That said, the FAQ for the newsgroup is available in
   the HOCKEY-L archives as "RSH1 FAQ" and "RSH2 FAQ".  More than you
   wanted to know about ice hockey, including NHL team mailing lists may
   be found there.  (The most up-to-date RSH FAQ may be found on the newsgroup, though I will try to keep our copy
   reasonably up-to-date).
Wayne Smith
The College Hockey Discussion List administrator
Systems Group - CAPS              BITNET/CREN:  wts@maine
University of Maine System        internet:     [log in to unmask]
P.S.  An FAQ is a "Frequently Asked Questions" (and answers) collection.
      A newsgroup is a discussion topic for a system called News or
      Usenet news or Netnews.  To read a newsgroup you need a news
      reader.  See your local staff to find a news reader (and a news
      feed/server) appropriate to you.