> Thanks to Tony Biscardi for posting the info on Hockey East recruits from the
> Globe. Could Tony, or someone else, post the info on ECAC recruits (especially
> Harvard :->).
> Also, anyone know if Harvard had worked at recruiting Chris Drury? They've had
> success in the past with brothers (Fuscos, McCormacks, Olsens, etc.), but I
> guess BU was an enticing program for Chris, and I'm sure there were many other
> factors. I just wonder if anyone had seen a public statement on his choice.
> Rumor has it that he looks better than Ted did at his age. Oh well...
> Sandy Baldwin
Let me see if I can post this statement in a more correct way...
I am told that, although Chris Drury is a good student, he is not quite Harvard
Not to down BU, but we are no Harvard.
Chris Drury joins Dan Danato as the younger brother of a Harvard star to chose
to attend BU.
I think I put that well.
Tony  BU'92'93
Former Ogre