My congrats to Fairbanks as well.  I would also echo Dr. Roth's
comments, in congratulating the CCHA coaches, A.D.'s and Faculty
Reps for "putting their own selfishness aside" and making a
tough - but good decision to help another school.
I don't see that much of that in the ECAC - specifically
beyond the D-I level of ECAC.  Everyone who participates
should try to look at it from a bigger picture than their
own self interests of their own school.  Maybe then we
would'nt lose programs like St. Bonaventure, Binghamton,
Kent. St., USIU, Arizona, St. John's (NY) and how many
more in this era of gender equity and "build a conference".
I know Dr. Roth is especially happy because he saw a lot
of Nanook hockey in his 17 years of working at Fairbanks.
Way to go - PERSEVERE.
Coach Cavanaugh
Canisius College