The MN North Stars were owned by the Gund brothers, who I believe also own
the Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team.  I'm not sure if they still do.
Anyway, I believe the story is that they sold them to Norm Green, Howard
Baldwin (who I think had part ownership in the Hartford Whalers?), and maybe
a few other people.  Then Norm Green bought the other owners out.
I think the story is actually a more detailed than that, so maybe another
Minnesotan on the list can provide more/better information
Daniel Glumac, Graduate Assistant
Center for Microelectromechanical Systems           ****         ****
Department of Electrical Engineering                 ***         ***
4-174 EE/CSci Building                              ** **       ** **
200 Union St. SE                                   **   **     **   **
Minneapolis, MN  55455                            **     **   **     **
(612) 625-6839                                   **        ***        **
                                               *****      *****      *****
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