On Thu, 5 May 1994, Wayne Smith wrote:
> Something that hasn't been (directly) said about shoot-outs is that the
> TV media will *love* them.  A lot of local TV sports might or might not
> get an important goal, but (unless they went back to the studio early),
> they'll get the shoot-out hi-lights and you'll see it on the news.  More
> college hockey on the tube isn't all bad.  :-)
Depends on what you call "early." Maybe in Bangor the tv stations will
hang around for a shootout in a Maine game at Alfond, but in Boston they
rarely bother sending cameras at all except for the Beanpot. They'd have
to buy the footage from NESN, I suppose. Even TV38, which owns NESN,
didn't do college hockey as part of its short-lived 10 PM news broadcast.
Now, WBZ-TV4 does the 10 PM news on 38 and another show on 4 at 11.
You're lucky 'round here to see a score, let alone any video. Even the
Boston Globe doesn't always have a Merrimack score if the game goes
beyond 9:30 or so, which happens sometimes, especially if there are
zamboni problems or broken glass.
David M. Josselyn
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