I have also seen Tim Allen wear a WMU shirt before.  No MTU or NMU, so I
wondered if he had something against the UP. :-)  Apparently not if he
will be wearing an LSSU shirt!
Hockey gets a boost on that show, too, even before this.  It's not
unusual for Tim to walk into a scene having brought the kids back from
hockey practice.  And on one episode, I recall, he sits down to watch
the Red Wings game he had taped earlier in the evening, and his wife's
sister remarks, "Oh, that was a great game, how Detroit came back to
win 3 to 2!"  And Tim goes nuts and turns the tape off in disgust.  Isn't
that something we can all relate to. :-)
Now if he has Jeff Jackson as a special guest on Tool Time like the
Andrettis, we will really know hockey has arrived.  Something tells me
he won't be having Arturs Irbe on anytime soon...
---                                                                 ---
Mike Machnik                                          [log in to unmask]
Cabletron Systems, Inc.                                  *HMM* 11/13/93