Chris Marinucci won the Hobey Baker award.  Below is a repost of an earlier
From the UMD media guide
Born Dec 29th, 1971 in Grand Rapids, Minnesota, USA
Rookie of the Year for UMD (90-91)
2nd largest one year scoring increase for UMD (58 pts) (91-92 to 92-93)
Went into this season with 111 consecutive appearances for the Bulldogs (all
of the possible games he could play except for 7 at the beginning of his
freshman year)
Year    GP      G       A       TP      P-PM    PP      SH      GW
90-91   36      6       10      16      10-20   2       0       0
91-92   37      6       13      19      19-41   2       0       1
92-93   40      35      42      77      26-52   15      4       9
93-94   ?       30?     30?     60?     ?       ?       ?       ?
He has always been a leader on the ice with a lunchpail attitude, showing up
and working hard.  His number from this year show that he raised his level
of play above those around him.  As I posted earlier, Chris had a hand in
approx 48% of UMD's goals.
matt evans