> From:         Gary Hatfield <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject:      WCHA rivals
> It's not hard to imagine that both BC and Maine consider BU to be their
> biggest rivals.
> Of course, maybe I confuse biggest rival with "most hated".
>                                        Gary Hatfield
>        "RAH! RAH! RAH! SKI U MAH! RAH!  RAH!  RAH!"
"Biggest rival" may vary from fan to fan, as well.  I'm not sure I speak
for all Lowell fans, but I consider our biggest rival to also be BU.
Again, though, biggest rival may mean "most hated"!!
P.S.  Sorry to sound so ignorant, but not being THAT familiar with the
Golden Gopher program, can someone please tell me what "Ski U Mah" means??
 (Please don't flame me!!!!!)
Steve Weisfeldt                                   Go Chiefs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Univ. of Lowell (now UMASS-Lowell)  1986, 1988    (Go River Hawks????)
[log in to unmask]                          Is is October yet??????