It's not hard to imagine that both BC and Maine consider BU to be their
biggest rivals.  Consider the WCHA.  These are my guesses at who each school
considers their biggest rival.  I shall leave out Alaska Anchorage as they
haven't  developed a genuine mutual hatred with anyone yet.  Disclaimer:
If any one feels I pegged their school wrong, let me know, but please don't
flame me.
School                                  Biggest Rival
CC                                      Denver
Denver                                  CC
Minnesota                               Wisconsin
Wisconsin                               Minnesota
MTU                                     MNU
MNU                                     MTU
UMD                                     Minnesota
SCSU                                    Minnesota
UND                                     Minnesota.
Of course, maybe I confuse biggest rival with "most hated".
                                        Gary Hatfield
        "RAH! RAH! RAH! SKI U MAH! RAH!  RAH!  RAH!"