1st, thank you very much for posting those articles on the Decloe situation
back in '73.
I do know that, at that time, BU was the defending National Champions, and,
somehow, the new head coach left (fired, asked to resign, etc) over the issue.
With the head coach (of only a few months) departing, BU hired a very young
BU grad of 1967 to replace him for the rest of the season.  21 years later,
Jack Parker (that young, mid-season replacement) is still the Head Coach of BU.
So... anyone wanna coach at Maine??? :-)
Ouch!... Hey, that was a joke!... OUCH!  Hey... quit it!...
Stop!!!  Hey, that hurt!  A joke... A JOKE!!!  #$@&*!  Heeeellllpppp!
 o o
Tony  BU'92'93
Former Ogre
Sorry, just HAD to throw in that last cheap jab.  :-) ;-) :-)