I have seen three postings about Ploszek's resignation, so I'll be brief
in my notes about that, then detail the new allegations.
Mike Ploszek's resignation will be a positive event for UMaine, IMHO.  It
will allow these ineligibilty issues to become part of the past, rather than
linger on, as they would have with him in charge.  I think he recognized
that, and did the right thing in stepping down.  Also announced Friday,
was that Woody Carville would be allowed to retire, rather than being fired
by the university.  I think it is good that the university finally realized
that they were treating a loyal, 35-year employee rather badly.  I (and a
good many Mainers) do not blame Woody for the problems at UMaine, and I am
glad they are letting him retire.
New Allegations:  (story from "staff reports" in the Saturday, April 2
edition of the Portland Press Herald)
"Drinking On Players' Bus Alleged"
 University of Maine officials confirmed Friday that they are looking into
allegations that hockey players were drinking on the team bus.
 The allegations were contained in an anonymous letter sent to Frederick
E. Hutchinson, the university president, said Robert Whelen, Huitchinson's
executive assistant.
 Some reports said the allegations included charges that players were
gambling, but Whelen said that was not true.  He declined to provide any
more information about the charges and whether the allegations include
specific dates and players.
 Whelen would not say who had been interviewed about the allegations.
Whelen said he believes the letter arrived earlier this week and he and
other officials have spent a few hours a day on preliminary investigation
If there's any foundation to the charges, he said, they will be turned over
to the NCAA investigator who will be at the campus later this month to
examine the handling of the player-eligibility violations by the Athletics
----- End quoted Material -----
Usually I add in my own comments, but with this story I think I'll pass
until word comes from the President's office next week.
BTW, good to see that most of you took yesterday's joke the right way  :->
John Forsyth
 Q: Why did Mike Ploszek fail to tell coaches that players were ineligible?
 A: He was too busy studying for mid-terms.