>Okay....once again, my chronology is shaky.  Maybe we can
>all piece this puzzle together.
>1988: LSSU wins hockey title under Anzalone.
Jim Dowd was a freshman then, by the way.  (does anyone else remember that
move he put on that Maine defenseman in the third period of the NCAA
semi-final?  it was really pretty.)
>??? Anzalone sighted coaching an AHL team (not sure whoch one).
>Rumors are the players mutinied against him.
Anzalone's first coaching job after being fired by LSSU was with the Newmarket
Saints.  I don't know enough about the AHL to know if this is an AHL team or
not.  But he didn't last long there and I also heard rumors that his players
mutinied against him.
Even though I'm glad he is gone,  I kind of miss the chants of "Frankie!
Frankie!"  in the Norris Center when Anzalone was screaming at some official.
Jeff Old
Alma College '96