HI Folks,
        Anyone know what Dwayne Roloson is doing now that his senior year
is done? I recall someone posting the Hobie finalists and he was listed as
undrafted. Does this mean anyone can sign him and if so, has anyone? I know
Dwayne reads this sometimes so perhaps he can answer himself. A hint Dwayne:
BRUINS BRUINS BRUINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!  Rich Hamel                      !                                       !
!  Cambridge Technology Partners   !  Asps?!! VERY Dangerous... You go     !
!  304 Vassar St.                  !  first!                               !
!  Cambridge, MA 02139             !                                       !
!  (617)-374-8266                  !  OK, Blue Jays, lets play ball!!      !
!  [log in to unmask]                   !                                       !
!                                  !  Toronto Blue Jays, 1992 Champions    !
!                                  !  Toronto Blue Jays, 1993 Champions    !