I have a question about the NCAA tournament format. I may have just
imagined this, but I seem to remember that the regional semifinals used to
be "best of three" series. When did this format change?  I like the idea of
a series for the regionals because it (more than one game) would assure
that the best four teams went will go to the finals. Any team can have one
lucky night or one off night, but the better team will usually win two out
of three. As an example, after Michigan's performance all season long, it
was a shame they got knocked out so early. If anybody deserved to make it
to the finals I think it was Michigan.
  An unrelated comment, as sad as it was that Wisconsin didn't beat BU I
was happy to see that Minnesota couldn't beat them either!  And as far as
the broadcast on Prime last night I found the announcer with the Boston
accent quite annoying too (I think this was the same guy someone referred
to earlier). Where's Paul Braun when you need him?
Tracy Norris
Wisconsin '91
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