I heard this one third-hand, and I apologize for posting something
 that I can't confirm, but it's still pretty good.
As some of you might know, Jon Barkan left the "full-time"
sportswriting world to work for his family's business. Apparently
 Barkan was talking on the phone to either LSSU SID Scott Monaghan
 or coach Jeff Jackson, and expressed concern as to whether he'd
 actually be able to *attend* this year's Barkan Bash, or if he'd have
 to leave it in the capable hands of Neil Koepke. I heard the exchange
 went something like this:
LSSU Rep: "Jon, you've gotta come to St. Paul. We're XXX-XXX with
 you in the stands. You gotta be there."
Barkan: "I don't know...I was just at the Regionals, I'm missing a lot
 of work..."
LSSU: "What if Jackson writes your dad a note excusing you?"
I really hope this is a true story..."Dear Mr. Barkan. Can Jon come
out and play?"