Mike observes:
>Funny, that is what impressed me about BU.  They did not get cheap or
>turn the game into a brawl when they fell behind, and I have seen them
>do that in the past.  This is the first time I have heard anyone claim
>that BU got chippy during the game.  They played no worse than LSSU
>and no differently than usual, and believe me, I was looking for BU to
>start trouble.  But it didn't happen.
Only having seen BU play once all year, I have no frame of reference regarding
their chippiness this year.  However two incidents during the game stand out
in my mind.  Rich Brennan's consecutive penalties for a cross check and
(roughing?), while perhaps not meeting the textbook definition of chippiness,
certainly showed a lack of discipline.  Also, at the end of the second period
I believe it was Doug Friedman who took a run at Lacher.  Lacher never reacted,
probably much to Friedman's chagrin.For that matter Lacher played under control
for both St. Paul games, reinforcing my image of him as an ultimate big game
type of goalie (shades of Darren Maddely!)
After McKersie game up the fifth goal, I think BU filed the rest of the game
off as a lost cause.  To react in an overly aggressive manner would only make
the team look like a bunch of goons, and I think BU opted to get the game over
as soon as possible.  For their sake I would have liked to have seen the third
period go scoreless, but I guess when you play the LSSU machine, goals are
scored regardless of the circumstances.
And for some mindless woofing, I would note that the first LSSU and (only) BU
goal were scored by Capital District natives.
And one little dig at Jeff Jackson, who I personally think is the best coach in
college hockey today.  LSSU isn't exactly talent-free.  While they may not draw
the consensus blue chips a la Minnesota and BU, a lot of those guys could play
on my team anyday.  How about Clayton Beddoes, a 3.8 GPA in civil engineering
to go along with his outstanding two-way play.  And isn't it interesting that
a player drafted by the NHL travels all the way from Troy, N.Y. to the UP just
for the benefit of Jackson's tutelage.  And is he really 38 as Bob Norton says?
I can't believe anyone that young can be such an outstanding tactician.
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