>Not long ago, I put in my annual order for the NC$$ Ice Hockey Rules
>Book, a good investment at $3.  This year, I also decided to spring
>for the 512-pg 1994-95 NC$$ Manual at $11, a good deal as it includes
>operating bylaws and regulations for the entire NC$$ - Divisions I,
>II, and III.  This book (paperback) arrived last week.
Can anybody else picture Mike Machnik curled up on his La-Z-Boy with a
blanket, the cat sleeping on his lap, and a copy of the NC$$ Manual like most
"normal" people would do for a John Grishom novel?
[Just a little humor for the off-season.]
Russell Jaslow         | Official Contact - Potsdam College Hockey|My employer
Eastman Kodak Company  |  Potsdam Bears - 1981 and 1986 NCAA Div. |has nothing
Rochester, New York    |   III National Basketball Champions and  |to do with
[log in to unmask]     winners of 60 consecutive games!     |my drivel.