RE>Cornell's winter session
Paulette wrote: " I don't think this would
be a problem for Cornell, as long as the team was able to
schedule the extra games over winter break.  Cornell usually
has fewer games in January than in February, when classes
are in session."
A few weeks ago, an article in the Cornell Daily Sun reported that the
University is studying the feasibility to change from the current
semester system at Cornell to a tri-mester system, making each term and
the summer break equal in length.  If Cornell chooses to implement this
plan (and right now, it's still a big IF), then we'll lose the five or
so weeks of winter break and students will have less than two weeks
after final examinations before they return to Ithaca.  In that case,
hockey players will see more games "during school."
Until then, scheduling more contests during winter break looks like a
good thing for the Big Red.
Tom S. Tseng
Cornell '87 and definitely MEng '94!!!! (Graduation is May 29!)