mike & others,
sorry if my post wasn't clear, I was not pleased by the gogher woof
i don't think it is relevent to how other schools recruit i do think
it has been beaten to death BOTH PRO & CON along with several other issues
a couple of which i also pointed out.  I tried (& failed obviously) to
say i feel what Mn does works for them, but that does not mean it would
work, or be good for, other programs or the youth hockey in their home
state.  I tried to point out two thoughts that could underlay the gohper
attitued & then question their validity.  For the record i thought Dave's
post was funny & worry if anybody said "keep it off the net" as it was
not as bad as many posts this year.  what i said is what mn does works
for them & thats nice, but it doesn't mean it will work for anyone else.
what i should have added (but thought i had implied) was that it also
does not make them better or worse then anybody else.  Please read my post
again & see if that is not what i said ( i did & thought i had said it)
if not i am sorry.
In my defense on one point, i do still think a coach would stick his neck
out if he said "i will only recruit from this state".  He might get a grace
period of a couple of years (maybe) but if the team is not "succesful"
that coach will be looking for new work.  do da name brad beutue ring a bell?
wanna talk hockey hell(r)?  there is talk of a pro roller blade league  bleeech