Thanks to Mike Machnik, Pam Sweeney, Erik Biever, and Indy Rutks for
telling me where "Pit" played (for Minnesota).  BTW Pam and Erik, you
weren't the tenth person to tell me this!! :)
Pit is well loved in Hershey too.  As soon as he steps on the ice, a cheer
of PIIIIIITTTTTTT goes up and the noise level in the arena rises about 20
decibels.  Lance, Tim Tookey, and Mitch Lamoureaux are the mainstays on
the team, and three of the most popular players.  It seems like injuries
follow Pit around wherever he goes.  Last year, he was out a good part of
the season with an ankle injury? (not sure though), and this year, he
missed a bunch of games with a broken right hand.  He was expected to be
out at least a month, but being the great competitor that he is, he came
back in a little over two and a half weeks.  This was due to the complete
decimation of Hershey's defense corps by injury and call-ups.  It's a
shame that he's only signed with Hershey and not Philadelphia, becaus e I
think he could have made an impact on the NHL.
Last year was the last year he was the property of an NHL team (FLYERS),
and they neglected to renew his contract.  Well, let me tell you, I have
never seen such angry people as us fans in Hershey.  A letter writing
campaign was undertaken and public opinion was so great that the Bears
were forced to sign him themselves.  There was no way we were going to let
him slip away.
BTW, the semester is almost over and I'm headed home soon, so if anyone
would like me to deliver a message to a player, just drop me a line.  I'll
be sure to tell Lance that Minnesota misses him.
Hershey wins its eighth Calder Cup in 1994!
The Skate For Eight!
Maria <[log in to unmask]>