Well, it looks (from the most recent posts) that Maine will be allowed to play
in the HE tournament.  For better, worse or indifferent, that is a real
possibility (indeed, may be a reality and the news isn't out yet).
Has HE got a contingency plan?  Will they automatically seed Maine 8th, or can
they allow the top three other finishers "right of refusal" like CCHA gives
it's top 5 vs Alaska-Fairbanks?
To me, the best thing to do would be to give the "right of refusal", but I
think BU'd be stupid to pick Merrimack over Maine because (as was pointed out
in this forum) I'd rather face Maine best 2-of-3 on my home ice instead of
risking a one game on neutral ice.  However, if BU balks on Maine, you can
almost be sure #2 and #3 will, since that would still force a (probable) BU -
Maine confrontation in the quarter finals.
Just curious.