David Naghski in his post earlier today brought up Southern Methodist's
football death penalty as an example of punishments affecting players.  SMU
players were allowed to transfer to any other school WITHOUT having to sit out
a year, as other transfers in Div. I must.  And, to the best of my knowledge,
anyone wishing to remain at SMU could keep their scholarship (though I may be
inaccurate on this point).  Granted, a player could not both play football and
attend SMU, but he could do either, which I believe wouldn't constitute "penal-
izing" the players who didn't take money.
     As for the Maine situation, I agree with someone's point (I don't recall
who made it) that Hockey East (and the other 3 conferences) should develop
some sort of policy which they could apply to future situations which resemble
Maine's.  (The other leagues may presently have one on the books.)  Thus,
future action will not appear to be directed at a particular school, as many
would interpret happened to Maine (whether it was or not).
     By the way, when is the last HOCKEY-L poll?
--Chris Paine
pleased Red Wings fan