I've only had time to read a portion of the Maine fiasco, but I would
like to summerize some comments made by Ron Mason, and then throw my $0.02
worth in.
  Mason's comments (summary):
  I saw the Ron Mason show last Sunday, and at the end of the show Chris
McClure asked Ron for some comments about the Maine situation, especially
because he is so close to the Maine program (father-in-law of Shawn
Walsh).  Coach Mason said he felt that Maine's problems were strictly
the fault of the Maine ADMINISTRATION...therefore the administration should
be the ones to suffer penalties.  If it is true that the student/athletes
involved and the coaching staff had no idea that they were doing anything
wrong, then Maine should not have to forfeit any games and be able to
participate in post-season play.  Mason mentioned several "appropriate"
penalties such as taking away post-season money, etc, but he kept
emphasizing that the student/athlete should not have to suffer because of
mistakes made at the administrative level.
   My $0.02:
   Ron Mason's points do make some sense.  I even think that his feelings
for this situation would be the same even if he weren't so "close" to the
Maine program....but he might not be as passionate (Ron did seem somewhat
furious over the whole thing).  I could imagine how I would feel if Michigan
State were in Maine's situation.....and I ask that all HOCKEY-L'ers think
about how they would feel if it were THEIR school that had to sit out
post-season play during a potential championship year.  An administrative
blunder of this sort could happen anywhere, and it could happen again at
another school.  I'd hate to see anyone in the future have to eat their
words of today.
   Maine's problems are not only a black eye for the University, but it
is also a black eye for college hockey, and we should all remember that
before we "flame Maine".  Hopefully all colleges and universities, not
only Univ or Maine, will learn a valuable lesson and pay closer attention
to athlete certification.
Scott Preadmore
Michigan State University
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