According to WGAN radio at 6PM Hockey East filed 3 papers with the
court to support their position, and the judge is now looking these
over and will issue a ruling tomorrow.
In reponse the the mail thats been pouring in and Mike's post whichI
just read, I'd just like to say I am not really taking sides.  I wish
Maine hadn't filed this suit, but I also think its their last chance
to overrule what I believe was a bad decision by the ADs.  I don't
necessarily agree with the points raised in the affadavit, I was just
posting them.  I do think they raised some good ones, I also think the
first three were pretty weak.  Personally, I don't know if I want Maine
to win this suit because of the bad blood that would arise between UM
and HE, but I suppose that di was already cast last week...
Done rambling now.
John Forsyth