Actually of Maine's 3 violations this year NONE of them were recruiting
violations.  Cal Ingraham: Played with 1 credit too few, two years,
ago.  Thus ineligible for those games....     Jeff Tory:  Ineligible to
play for one year due to proposition XXXXX.  Patrice Tardif: Too few
credits as a grad student, thus ineligible for those games.  The
team itself is sound, The Cal incident has no effect on this years
team (it occurred two years ago, and Maine must forfeit THOSE games...)
In addition, the Tory incident only effected 3 games, NOT enough to
warrant a ban from postseason play.  Tardiff's ineligibility was
not the Hockey Programs fault.  He could have been eligible, and
Hockey East should recognize that fact....
     Pat Ellis