In article <[log in to unmask]>, Ralph Christopher Slate
<[log in to unmask]>
>I believe that this statement is the key to the whole situation. Hockey East
>needed to come up with a sanction that actually punished Maine. If Hockey East
>did not punish the violations, this would send a bad message out to the
>rest of the NCAA.
Who said Hockey East needed to come up with a sanction? I believe Hockey
East is treading on the NCAA's jurisdiction. Leagues should have nothing
to do with NCAA compliance. If the NCAA had declared Maine ineligible for
the post season I wouldn't be mad. But HE has no business levying its own
sanctions. HE should focus on its business: hockey. The Tardif situation
did not involve the hockey program in that the coaching staff was not
responsible at all for his playing while ineligible, as opposed to the
Tory incident, and the Ingraham situation. (The NCAA reinstated Tardif
instead of making him sit out the number of games he played while ineli-
gible because it ruled he had no idea he was ineligible. Ingraham, how-
ever, was ordered to sit out 14 games because he should have known
that by failing a class he didn't get credit for taking it.)
Ryan Robbins
Stodder Hall
University of Maine
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