Chris Dietrich makes several excellent arguments
about what Princeton needs to do to win this
game.  Sadly, I think they need do only one thing:
show up.
This past weekend Cornell's team was completely
overmatched by superior talent (RPI) and then
superior motivation (Union).  The defense
completely collapsed, the goaltending was
inspiringly bad, the power-play has already been
discussed at length.  Their best player decided
to do his Kevan Melrose imitation right before a
single game elimination.
Unless the Lynah Faithful mount some kind a
wild, adulatory (however empty) 120 minute
standing ovation to shake them out of their funk,
Cornell will come out flat, give up a couple of
their patented early goals, and never make it back.
I've never picked against Cornell at Lynah in a
playoff game (actually, I've never seen them lose
one there), but Tuesday they will likely be history.
The truth hurts.
Let's Go Red!